Sunday, July 17, 2011

Regimen (old)

Since I have made a few "small" changes to my regimen in February I have noticed a huge difference in the texture and health of my hair. Logging theses changes on a daily basis has also made it easier to adjust my products as needed, which has helped me save my hair from a lot of damage that in the past would have me in tears. Since February I have removed some products and added a few. You'll notice my product list is now 99% natural, which was a long time coming. I also got this protein-moisture balance thing working--FINALLY! So here's where I am so far:

Basic regimen:
  • Pre-poo with EVCO overnight 2x/month
  • Scalp treatment overnight 1x/week
  • Shampoo w/ moisturizing shampoo 1x/week
  • Co-wash 1x/week 
  •  Apply moisturizing conditioner 2x/week
  • Apply mild protein 1x/3 weeks overnight
  • ACV/herbal rinse 1x/week
  • Apply moisture or protein based leave ins as needed
  • Air dry with scarf
  • Bun as low manipulation/protective style 
  • Moisture and seal ends 1-2x/day
  • Clarify as needed
  • Henna as needed
Additional things:
Oil scalp 2x/week with JBCO/EVCO/Jojoba mix
Massage scalp daily
Relax every 8-10 weeks; apply EVCO to scalp and ends prior to relaxer
Multivitamin, Vitamin B Complex, Iron, Vitamin E and Omega 3-6-9 daily (I take these because I am a vegetarian and lack some nutrients)

Henna Treatment:
  • (After prepping scalp with JBCO) apply henna on hair from root to tip on air dried hair, cover w/ saran wrap, plastic bag, old shirt and let sit for 8 hours/overnight (be sure to cover pillow with an old towel as well).
  • Rinse out henna thoroughly and lightly shampoo scalp w/ moisturizing shampoo to remove traces of henna.
  • Apply AOHR/AOWCC mixed with conditioning oils. Cover w/ saran wrap for 2-3 hours. 
  • Rinse then apply moisture base hair as leave in.
  • When hair  is dry oil scalp with oil blend, add moisturizer, seal and twist or bun.
Henna recipe: 
4 tbsp art quality henna (lawsonia inermis)
Filtered water
1/2-1 tbsp of JBCO, EVOO and moisturizing conditioner of choice after colour release
Allow to sit overnight
** I apply oil to my scalp before applying any henna because it seems my scalp is VERY sensitive. Lightly shampooing after application seems to help my scalp as well. I continue to use henna because I really like how my hair feels and looks after I use it.

ACV/Hair Rinse
3/4 tsp ACV
2 cups filtered water
mix of herbs of choice (optional)

Boil water and remove from stove, add mixed herbs (1 tbsp) and let sit overnight
In the morning strain herbs and add ACV

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